It is now easier than ever for us to create our own ‘press’, whether it is on MySpace, Facebook or Twitter, a podcast, a site, even making films or TV shows is currently relatively straightforward, with digital cameras cheaper than ever before, and video editing simple to do on about any computer. A growing number of people are making their own productions, and they would like to use music as part of them. While music has never been easier to locate with download stores all over the net, using this music legally on your own productions can be a minefield – and expensive if you get it wrong! There is a quick, simple alternative that is used by everyone from home moviemakers into significant broadcasters; it is named Royalty Free Music.
So what is it? The simplest way to understand it is to examine the problems it is intended to assist you avoid. As a media manufacturer, using music without the right licensing may be a risky approach, landing the unwary manufacturer in legal trouble for copyright infringement, together with all the hassle and cost that entails. Let’s say you are creating a movie production a sales movie, a YouTube video, TV series – it does not really matter, and you also wish to incorporate a famous song as part of your soundtrack. You want to get permissions from the songwriter and recording owners or their publishers, and doing so can cost plenty of money and time. You will also likely have to paper use, so if the song is on your soundtrack 3 times you cover 3 charges, if your Video gets displayed 3 times on TV you cover 3 charges for this as well. Royalty Free music is a way to get around this by providing music that inspire-licensed for you to use on your media productions as frequently as you need, without paying additional fees.
Is Royalty Free Music good enough. A quick online search will show you a lot of sites with music accessible to use. They vary from small one-person companies to large corporations, and the music quality varies among them. However, many are great quality, with music composed and performed by established music business professionals who also write and perform chart songs, important movie scores and so forth. You will easily find superb excellent music, so it pays to look around and have a listen to what is on offer. Many sites provide Hi-If quality previews of the music, often of the complete length tracks, so it is easy to listen to the music in Hi-If quality and make a selection.
Most sites will have a simple way to search their free action music no copyright by speed, style, genre, which makes it effortless to find the appropriate music for you. Then it is merely a matter of paying a tiny one-time license fee, and downloading the high quality mp3 or wav file. The majority of the license terms on the various websites is broadly similar, but make certain to spend a minute reading the license terms to be certain they are perfect for your project.